Welcome to Minnesota Neighbors for Peace!

Minnesota Neighbors for Peace is not an actual organization, but rather a loose, umbrella network of like-minded people working together in our individual communities. In 2003, immediately following the start of the Iraq War, there were dozens of community peace/justice groups, but the number of groups — and their activity levels — have dropped since then. Consequently, we've pared this web site down to the basics.


Want to join an existing Neighbors for Peace group?

These groups are still active. Please contact Krista Menzel at web@mppeace.org to add a group or update your listing.

Crocus Hill/West 7th Neighbors for Peace (St. Paul)

Linda Winsor: ljwinsor@yahoo.com

Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crocushillpeace/

Hamline-Midway Neighbors for Peace (St. Paul)

E-mail: hmpeace@comcast.net

Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace (St. Paul)

Anne Benson: (651) 647-0580, anne@mppeace.org

Krista Menzel: (651) 641-7592, web@mppeace.org

Web Site: http://www.mppeace.org

Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MPPeace/

St. Anthony Park Neighbors for Peace (St. Paul)

Paul Bloom: (651) 646-1985, prb@umn.edu

Karen Lilley: (651) 644-3927, web@parkpeace.org

Michael and Regula Russelle: regula@cedarfencepress.com

Web Site: http://www.parkpeace.org

Northwest Neighbors for Peace (Northwest suburbs)

Carole Rydberg: (763) 546-5368, nwn4p@yahoo.com

Eileen Moran: (763) 545-2296, egmoran@usfamily.net

Lois Swenson: (612)588-5572

Wiki: http://nwn4p.pbwiki.com



Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (Brainerd)

(218) 763-2891, letters@brainerdpeace.org

Web Site: http://www.brainerdpeace.org

Marshall Area Peace Seekers (Marshall)

Darwin Dyce: dyce@mvtvwireless.com

Northfield People for Peace and Goodwill

Bill McGrath: (507) 645-7660, billmcgrath52@gmail.com

Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NorthfieldPPG/

Red Wing Alliance for Peace (Red Wing)

Sherry Leveille: (651) 388-3962, sherlev@redwing.net

Lynne Rigg: (651) 388-6730, Lriggo2@aol.com

David Harris: tuvecino@redwing.net

Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rwpeace/

SE MN Alliance of Peacemakers (Rochester)

Darlene Coffman: (507) 252-5396, peacemaker@semnap.org

Web Site: http://www.semnap.org

Minnesota Neighbors for PeaceLooking for a Minnesota Neighbors for Peace yard sign?

With an illustration from former Twin Cities resident artist Brian Andreas, this beautiful, four-color "Minnesota Neighbors for Peace" sign is uniting Minnesota communities and individuals around their common belief in peace and justice. Each 2' x 2' sign is printed in four ink colors on weatherproof corrugated plastic and comes with a wire H-stand.

These signs are available for $10.00 from Krista Menzel (web@MPPeace.org).

Want other Minnesota Neighbors for Peace merchandise?

You can order Minnesota Neighbors for Peace logo clothing, coffee mugs, buttons, and other merchandise online directly from CafePress. CafePress handles your payment and shipping.

Click here or on the images below to go to the CafePress web site Minnesota Neighbors for Peace store.

Want to learn about upcoming progressive events in the Twin Cities and Minnesota?

Subscribe to this e-mail lists:

Progressive Calendar

E-mail David Shove at shove001tc.umn.edu with "subscribe" in the subject line.



Copyright © 2003–2013 Minnesota Neighbors for Peace   •   Web site designed and maintained by Krista Menzel